Divine Healing

Divine Healing

About a year ago I was in terrible pain from a back spasm that ultimately became a spiritual journey. I did some of the hardest & deepest work of my life during that back spasm, and many of the chants from this week's set were on repeat in my playlist this time last...

Return of the Light

Return of the Light

This week's set is based on one we sang with our Kirtan/Meditation Group at Winter Solstice. It's many variations on the chant "Om Asatoma Sad Gamaya Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya Om Shanti Shanti Shanti." This means "Lead me from the unreal to the...

Surprise Package 2

Surprise Package 2

Winter Solstice is always special to me because it marks the anniversary of the launch of the New World Kirtan Podcast. It hardly seems possible that it has been seven years, and that many of you have been with me since the beginning of this journey. The podcast is...

Best of Dance Dance Evolution

Best of Dance Dance Evolution

The last few months I've been going to the gym a lot -- that back spasm last winter scared the beejeezus out of me, so working out has become a priority. But now autumn is coming on and lethargy is setting in. I mostly listen to other people's podcasts at the gym, but...

Creating Success With Ganesh

Creating Success With Ganesh

In our last podcast I told you about beginning a Community Kirtan here in Corvallis. Our first was on a Friday night two weeks ago -- that afternoon yet another mass shooting occurred about 100 miles south of us at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg. In this week's...

A Community Kirtan!

A Community Kirtan!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] This Friday we’re giving something a shot here in Corvallis — something I learned from Chantlanta & have always wanted to try. We’re asking members of our kirtan community who play instruments to bring them on Friday night —...

Fresh Tracks 29

Fresh Tracks 29

I'm back from vacation with a new Fresh Tracks set! This one features some different offerings — an Island-influenced Krishna chant from the Hanumen, an African chant from Shantala, the beautiful flow of Jahnavi Harrison’s voice, Sufi chanting with HuDost, dance...