Several weeks ago I had a really great chat with my sweet friend, Midwest kirtan wallah Ragani. We got to talking about an experience I just had leading kirtan with my band at a local church. I’ve suffered from stage fright most of my life, and to my horror it came up again that day — total panic. But leading the kirtan from the place of centering in the heart & grounding with the statement “I Am Here”, taught to me in Russill Paul’s ‘Yoga Mystery School’, helped me to transform that experience — it turned out to be an incredibly deep & vibrant kirtan for the band and those who attended. Ragani surprised me by asking if she could interview me about it, and this week’s podcast is that interview, just two friends taking about what it’s like to lead kirtan as a practice as opposed to a performance. We both loved chatting, and we’re planning more so stay tuned.