Chants For Imbolc

Chants For Imbolc

Hello dear friends, Imbolc is the ancient Celtic holiday that marks the beginning of Spring. The holiday was traditionally celebrated by the lighting of fires to honor the sun goddess Brigid. Imbolc this year was February 1, so our set this week honors the Divine...
An Hour of Peace

An Hour of Peace

Ahh … sometimes all you want is to sink down into music that will release your mind & relax your body. I hope this set will do it for you — chanting along turned me into a puddle after we played it for our Friday Satsang several weeks ago. Bill’s & my pandemic...
A Thankful Heart

A Thankful Heart

Hello friends, Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who are celebrating this week! I’ve become so aware lately of how much I have to be grateful for — sometimes it takes something bad happening in your life to get you radically present to how beautiful life is, and how...
The People of Love

The People of Love

Hello friends, Our Satsang loved this set last Friday night — it put us into a space where no one wanted to break the silence at the end. I hope you enjoy it too. Big news here — some feeling is starting to return to my foot! My goal is to stay in the ‘Believing’...