Hello friends,

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who are celebrating this week!

I’ve become so aware lately of how much I have to be grateful for — sometimes it takes something bad happening in your life to get you radically present to how beautiful life is, and how fortunate you are. That’s where I am at the moment — thankful, grateful, blessed describes it perfectly.

This week the music in the set is all about expressing gratitude to the Divine for our many blessings. Last Friday we sang the chants at the beginning of the set, and when we got to ‘Ang Sang Wahe Guru’ we focused on the heart chakra opening to the infinite stream of gratitude to the Divine — it was really powerful. There’s a 40-Day Sadhana led by Mirabai Ceiba that goes more deeply into this, here’s the link to the meditation.

One of the many things I’m grateful for is the community around this podcast. If you’re reading this, I’m grateful for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for one of the deepest blessings of my life. Until next time, dear hearts — Namaste.