He Ma Durga

He Ma Durga

Durga. She is one powerful goddess. Later this week I’ll be posting the talk on the deities given by Dr. Manoj Chalam last month at the Denver Chant Fest. His murti of Durga practically leaped off the table at me during that talk, and now here she sits, riding...
Running With Kirtan

Running With Kirtan

Running used to be a passion of mine. I ran for years, usually to music, and loved it. Running has since been replaced with swimming & Yoga, and I love my new routine too. If I was running these days, I’d be running to kirtan for sure.  Now you’ll get...
Fresh Tracks 16

Fresh Tracks 16

This podcast is dedicated with love to all those affected by Hurricane Sandy. The set this week takes me back to the warmth of the weather and the open hearts of Bhakti Fest. These are the treasures from the second batch of CDs brought back from Joshua Tree, and...
He Ma Durga

He Ma Durga

The word Durga means ‘invincible’ in Sanskrit. Durga is an incarnation of the Mother Goddess, and she is extremely powerful. She is also extremely popular, and is the star of a major religious text of praise called the Devi Mahatmya that dates from the 5th...