Songs For Sid Redux

Songs For Sid Redux

‘Songs for Sid’ originally posted back in December, and was my attempt to express in music my emotional ride with the death of a beloved family dog.  Sid’s podcast rated a redux because his presence has been felt recently–my sister’s...

Simple Gifts

Often the simplest gifts are the most moving.  Several weeks ago, Spirit Voyage’s free Friday download gave me a gift in the form of a beautiful kirtan lullaby from Snatam Kaur’s CD ‘Divine Birth’.  It inspired this week’s podcast, which...


In kirtan I think there are subtle distinctions between prayers, invocations and mantras — but I was in a praying mood this week, and these were the chants that made their presence known.  Have fun, and be aware that the last chant is a really powerful one, good...

Kirtan To Snooze With

My goal this week was to create a deeply peaceful set, and I think I succeeded–because while listening to it today I fell asleep!  That wasn’t terribly useful at 3PM, but it might come in handy some night if you’re tossing & turning–the...
Ganesh Is Fresh!

Ganesh Is Fresh!

He’s our favorite elephant, isn’t he?  I like to think of Ganesha as dancing on the path before me sweeping obstacles out of my way with his trunk, while he’s eating sweets.  He sounds like a fun guy.  Hope you enjoy the set.  Namaste. THIS WEEK’S...