Toss & Turn Kirtan

One of my least favorite times of the day is around 4AM.  That’s because I’m often awake, up much earlier than I’d like, and trying to get back to sleep.  My mind has jumped on the opportunity and has become a thought-generating monster.  Once...

Singing in the Rain

As much as I complain, I really do love the cool green dampness of the Pacific Northwest. Good thing too, because last week was a record-breaker in the rain department. I felt the need create the feel of a beach, the sun of an island in the set this week. It worked...


Mother Nature is serving up some glorious stuff these days.  I highly recommend walking outside with kirtan, you can read about my experiences with it here.  It never fails to amaze me, the world transforms when you listen to this music.  I’m not much of a...

Shiva Shoutout

I love putting the podcast together, for me it’s a magical process.  It’s always a surprise to see the songs that have decided to show up for the weekly set.  This week Shiva seemed to want a little lovin’, as four chants in the podcast have his...

Thanks A Lot

The chants in this week’s podcast are some of my favorites from the new kirtan CDs I’ve listened to over the last several weeks.  It’s a podcast of thanksgiving for the magical things kirtan has brought to my life in the past year.  If you’re...