Sunday Satsang II

Sunday Satsang II

The chants in the Sunday Satsang sets are designed to be sung!  You can sing them in a group, as we do, especially if you’re also in a small town where live kirtan is hard to find.  The lyrics to the chants can be found here.  So sing in the shower, sing in your...
Fresh Kirtan Tracks 3

Fresh Kirtan Tracks 3

Happy Solstice everyone, and Happy Birthday to the New World Kirtan podcast!  As we turn two years old our podcast community continues to grow–and so does the word about the magic of this music We’ll be on a short hiatus for the Holidays, and I wish for...

Toss & Turn Kirtan

One of my least favorite times of the day is around 4AM.  That’s because I’m often awake, up much earlier than I’d like, and trying to get back to sleep.  My mind has jumped on the opportunity and has become a thought-generating monster.  Once...
Sunday Satsang

Sunday Satsang

This week’s set is eminently singable–this I know because our kirtan group sang these chants at our Sunday Satsang this week.  You can use the podcast this way also, and the Sunday Satsang sets will be designed to allow you to use them as a basis for a...

“Keep Going, Say What You Know”

This summer I happened to catch an entry by Tami Simon on the Sounds True blog.  The entry was titled “Keep Going, Say What You Know”.  It struck me as a wonderfully simple way to live life, and also a gift we could give to each other … the gift of...