

I’ve been haunted by the song “Bismillah” since I heard it several weeks ago. The word “Bismillah” comes from the Islamic tradition, and it can be translated in several ways. It expresses our prayer that we may have the blessing of...
Being With What Is

Being With What Is

The essence of life is change … and isn’t that just a big old pain? Joni Mitchell used to sing about it so eloquently, but I’m not about to be that maudlin. The older I get the more I realize what we all need to survive Life is a practice that...
The Faces Of Ma

The Faces Of Ma

Ma, Earth Mother, has many faces. She can be benevolent & peaceful, but some of her other faces can be powerful & frightening. I’ve chosen the chants this week because for me they reflected different moods of Ma. Like the Earth Mother, I invite you to...
Kirtan Divas

Kirtan Divas

Several friends departing for vacation last week prompted me to coin my new motto: Kirtan Is My Mexico!. To take a mental vacation from your cell phone & computer, plug into the podcast and listen with intention. You and your mind will be transported away from the...