Bhakti Fest West 2014 Sampler

Bhakti Fest West 2014 Sampler

At long last the time has come to pack our bags and head to Joshua Tree, CA for Bhakti Fest. For a lot of us who go to the festival it’s an annual pilgrimage, a chance to connect with old friends and make new ones. It has always been a special time for me...
Jai Jai Ma!

Jai Jai Ma!

This set was inspired by a walk I took last week. As I was walking ‘He Ma Durga’, the Donna De Lory chant in this week’s set came up, and I became so aware of the great power of Ma bursting forth all around us at this time of year. It’s the power of...
Shakti Fest 2014 Sampler

Shakti Fest 2014 Sampler

Shakti Fest, the beautiful spring celebration of the Bhav at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center, occurs next weekend — and for the first time in several years I won’t be there. I’ll tell you why in the podcast, but like a lot of you I’ll miss...