Invoking Tara

Invoking Tara

The chants from this week’s podcast invoke Tara, the Goddess of Peace & Protection. Tara appears in virtually every culture on Earth, and represents the Mother Creator — the eternal force that fuels all of life. The Tara mantra is widely used in Tibetan...
The One For Peace

The One For Peace

It’s election season once again, and here in the United States we have been subjected to a constant barrage of poisonous political ads for months. It’s hard to stay isolated from the negativity, but this week’s podcast may help you remember what is...
The Morning Within

The Morning Within

The music for this week’s set came about in a beautiful way. When I was in the midst of caregiving for my Mom I received a message on Facebook from two listeners who live in Virginia. They suggested a set list for a podcast titled “The Morning Within”, and offered it...
Fresh Tracks Redux

Fresh Tracks Redux

The first Fresh Tracks set was in 2010, and they have been opportunities to bring you new tracks from the world of kirtan. This is the first of those sets, filled with chants & artists that deserve another chance to be heard. And so we have a new series —...
The Om Set

The Om Set

The tracks this week are of just one chant, the very powerful Om chant — a single syllable that is sacred in the traditional Hindu religion. Om is a mantra, a sound that when chanted will cause spiritual transformation. If nothing else the set is very soothing,...