Kirtan Kriya
The Kirtan Kriya meditation was mentioned in last week's podcast, and I've been enjoying it so much that I was inspired to dedicate this week's podcast to the meditation. Ramdesh Kaur explains it here, and there are lots of references to it on the New World Kirtan...
Kirtan All Stars
This week I wanted to put together a set of my favorite kirtan chants, and found it was a very hard task indeed! We just have to have more All Star sets, because there is no way I can fit all my best-loved songs into one week's show! So these are some of my all...
Enter The Sound Current
This week's set was inspired by an article on Spirit Voyage's blog called "Healthy Living: 10 Reasons to Meditate". The blog tells how it's possible to create specific states of mind by entering the sound current and chanting kirtan with intention. The article is...
Sunday Satsang II
The chants in the Sunday Satsang sets are designed to be sung! You can sing them in a group, as we do, especially if you're also in a small town where live kirtan is hard to find. The lyrics to the chants can be found here. So sing in the shower, sing in your car,...
The Power Of Intention
The mighty ape Hanuman is featured in the music this week, in honor of his Birthday. Hanuman is said to represent the untold power that resides within each one of us just waiting to be tapped. A book that taught me about this immense power and how to tap it was "The...
Fresh Kirtan Tracks 3
Happy Solstice everyone, and Happy Birthday to the New World Kirtan podcast! As we turn two years old our podcast community continues to grow--and so does the word about the magic of this music We'll be on a short hiatus for the Holidays, and I wish for you the...
And Now For Something Completely Different
This week's set is a mostly English set (that's the different part). Our favorite kirtan artists perform songs that aren't in Sanskrit, and I thought you might enjoy hearing some of them. Also, in the podcast I talk about how much I'm enjoying ginger tea these...
Toss & Turn Kirtan
One of my least favorite times of the day is around 4AM. That's because I'm often awake, up much earlier than I'd like, and trying to get back to sleep. My mind has jumped on the opportunity and has become a thought-generating monster. Once you're caught up in the...
Not In Our Town
There was a candlelight vigil in our town tonight. It was organized as way to surround a mosque firebombed this weekend with light and community support. The outside world comes to Corvallis--the mosque was attended by the young man who attempted the car bombing in...
Sunday Satsang
This week's set is eminently singable--this I know because our kirtan group sang these chants at our Sunday Satsang this week. You can use the podcast this way also, and the Sunday Satsang sets will be designed to allow you to use them as a basis for a community...