Bhakti Fest OMmersion: Friday
It is a perfect day here in Joshua Tree. Warm -- but not hot -- clear and sunny. It is an indescribable feeling to be back, with the desert sand between my toes once again. The crowd is smaller at this Spring OMmersion -- I've heard 800 to 1000 are expected -- so the...
The One With Four Chants
If you've ever had a back spasm then you'll be able to relate to why the podcast was late this week. The mother of all back spasms has laid me low, and I am so ready to be over it. Departure for OMmersion is tomorrow, so I'll soon be engulfed in the spiritual sparkly...
The Faces Of Ma
Ma, Earth Mother, has many faces. She can be benevolent & peaceful, but some of her other faces can be powerful & frightening. I've chosen the chants this week because for me they reflected different moods of Ma. Like the Earth Mother, I invite you to...
It's spring break here ... yeeha ... and it's also time for me to take a little break. This show played about a year ago, and since I'm still in a praying mood it seemed to fit. Enjoy spring, and I'll see you all next week. Namaste. Prayers/April 27, 2010 In kirtan I...
Kirtan For Surrender
The theme for this week started out as "Surrender", but originally I meant it in the sense of surrender when practicing Yin Yoga. As the week progressed and the events unfolding in Japan took a personal turn for our family, the theme of surrender took on new meaning....
Green Tara
Spring is springing up here in Oregon, and so the set this week was inspired by the life force represented by the goddess Tara. In the Buddhist tradition, Tara is more than a goddess -- she's a female Buddha who can take human form. There are many chants to Green Tara...
Fresh Kirtan Tracks 4
This week's set features all new kirtan, and it also holds another theme -- one of healing for the planet. We're all in for a ride, and it will be much better to go through it supporting & helping each other, don't you think? Several listeners requested that I ask...
Sunday Satsang III
This week's set was the convergence of two things; a really great satsang on Sunday, where we sang most of this set, and the arrival of several new kirtan CDs which I'd like to preview before putting together the next Fresh Tracks show. These chants had us all singing...
The Love Train!
Yesterday was Valentine's Day, and so this week's set was inspired by Love. There's the "Radhe Suite" which tells the love story of Krishna & Radhe, and a chant by Shantala that sings of the Love that dwells within each of us. But my favorite this week is "Its...
Kirtan Divas
Several friends departing for vacation last week prompted me to coin my new motto: Kirtan Is My Mexico!. To take a mental vacation from your cell phone & computer, plug into the podcast and listen with intention. You and your mind will be transported away from the...