Ahh … sometimes all you want is to sink down into music that will release your mind & relax your body. I hope this set will do it for you — chanting along turned me into a puddle after we played it for our Friday Satsang several weeks ago.

Bill’s & my pandemic life has a rhythm that is familiar & comforting. Nonetheless, I’ll be glad to get back to something more normal — whatever that might look like. Omicron is peaking now in Oregon — we’re surrounded by a lot of illness & death. I’m so grateful that recovery from the hip dislocation & nerve injury is progressing — my strength is coming back. And we’re planning a renovation of our garden that has been fun to dream about. Construction starts next month, I’ll post pictures!

A lot of our journey together here has been about illness & pain, but I think I’ve turned a corner health-wise. I’m filled with hope for the future. We’ve been in the same storm but in different boats, my friends. Let’s all visualize that we’re now heading into calm seas & sunny weather. Wherever your boat is moored, I hope this podcast finds you healthy & surrounded by people you love.

Enjoy the set, and until next time — Namaste.