Oregon is uniquely beautiful in the summer, and I’m happy to be back here for a little while. No humidity & no mosquitoes — yahoo. But no thunderstorms & no lightning bugs either, things I cherish as a part of spending summer weeks in Philly. If nothing else, this summer is forcing me to live in the present because the future at this point is unknown … and it’s unknown for us all, not just those who have a relative with a diagnosis. My hope is that you take a moment to enjoy this beautiful life, in this exquisite midsummer moment, no matter where it finds you. Namaste, fellow travelers.

Om Mercury Max The Eternal Om
Shiva Shakti Om Subway Bhaktis Sita Ram
Funky Guru Prem Joshua Yatri: Mystics of Sound
Ganesh Is Fresh (feat. Jai Uttal) MC Yogi Elephant Power
Narayana/He Ma Brenda McMorrow Ameya
Bhavani Jaya Jaya David Newman To Be Home
Shivo’ham Michael Kolasa All My Heart
Bhaja Mana Ma Shantala Live In Love (Disc 2)
Pasayadan Dave Stringer Divas & Devas
Long Time Sun Girish Diamonds In The Sun