Bhakti Fest OMmersion: Sunday

Bhakti Fest OMmersion: Sunday

Another beautiful, perfect day in the desert. Sunday was Hanuman’s birthday, and there were so many magical, synchronistic moments.  Here were the standouts for me: seeing Gwendolyn from Sean Johnson and the Wild Lotus Band playing in a drum circle outside the...
There’s No Place Like OM

There’s No Place Like OM

Sorry for the corny title, but Saul David Raye said it tonight and it’s so true. Imagine a place where everyone you meet is a friend, where everyone you meet wants to open their heart & love their fellow man a little more. This is Bhakti Fest. Imagine the...
The One With Four Chants

The One With Four Chants

If you’ve ever had a back spasm then you’ll be able to relate to why the podcast was late this week.  The mother of all back spasms has laid me low, and I am so ready to be over it. Departure for OMmersion is tomorrow, so I’ll soon be engulfed in the...