One of my least favorite times of the day is around 4AM.  That’s because I’m often awake, up much earlier than I’d like, and trying to get back to sleep.  My mind has jumped on the opportunity and has become a thought-generating monster.  Once you’re caught up in the bad neighborhood of the mind, how can you find your way through the mean streets?  I’ve discovered that if I can remember to breathe, and start singing kirtan in my mind with intention, I’ll drift off to sleep without much effort.  The key is to remember before my thoughts make me crazy!

I hope this week’s set puts you to sleep.  Namaste.

Om Mercury Max The Eternal Om
Om Tara (RainForest Mix) Bhakata & Darpan Urban Mantra CD 1: Vitality
Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Snatam Kaur Anand
Gayatri Mantra Deva Premal & Miten Satsang—A Meditation in Song & Silence
God’s Anthem Salutations Swaha
Hare Om Shivaya Michael H. Cohen Om Dattatreya: Journey To The West
Ozi ve-Zimrat Yah Kirtan Rabbi Achat Sha’alti (One Thing I Seek)
Baba Hanuman Shantala Sri