Last week our beloved black Lab Sid left us, and it was both a terrible & beautiful experience. His last gift to our family was his death and the healing it brought us on many levels. And so this week’s podcast is for Sid, but it’s not at all sad. Sid was a constant reminder that life is good, and that every day is an intriguing adventure. He was up for anything, and his life was lived with joy & love. The chants I chose for the podcast are those that comforted & moved me last week, and those that reminded me of Sid’s bright spirit. I hope they speak to you in some way.  Namaste.






Om Mercury Max The Eternal Om

Servant of Peace Snatam Kaur Liberation’s Door

Burn It In The Fire Wade Imre Morissette Maha Moha: The Great Delusion

Jaya Maa Swaha Salutations

Jay Jay Ram Krishna Hari Dave Stringer Joyride

Ganeshaya Brenda McMorrow Ameya

Pritham Bhagaautee Snatam Kaur Liberation’s Door