A Set For Maha Shivaratri

A Set For Maha Shivaratri

I’m feeling blessed by a lot these days. Those of you who listen to the New World Kirtan Podcast are one of my biggest blessings — this community has enriched my life in ways too numerous to count. Thank you for being here. And we’ve been here together for quite a...
Sky’s Divine Grace

Sky’s Divine Grace

This week’s set is brought to you by our dear Friday Satsang member Sky. You can find Sky’s other sets for us on Spotify under ‘Corvallis Satsang’. Enjoy! Setlist: Jane Winther, Mantra: Om Ty Burhoe, Invocation: Indian Chill Out Wade Imre...
OM Shiva

OM Shiva

Lord Shiva, “he who is oblivious to the world”, is the most powerful of the Hindu deities. He is known as the destroyer, and is believed to be at the core of the centrifugal force of the Universe. Shiva, with Brahma (the creator) & Vishnu (the...
Fresh Tracks 16

Fresh Tracks 16

This podcast is dedicated with love to all those affected by Hurricane Sandy. The set this week takes me back to the warmth of the weather and the open hearts of Bhakti Fest. These are the treasures from the second batch of CDs brought back from Joshua Tree, and...