Sunday Satsang V

Sunday Satsang V

My Thanksgiving cooking/Christmas decorating/shipment unpacking has kind of taken over my life. But things are progressing — I can sit down in my living room again, and my mother is here with us in a way that she has never been for the holidays. For your...
Sunday Satsang II

Sunday Satsang II

The chants in the Sunday Satsang sets are designed to be sung!  You can sing them in a group, as we do, especially if you’re also in a small town where live kirtan is hard to find.  The lyrics to the chants can be found here.  So sing in the shower, sing in your...

Toss & Turn Kirtan

One of my least favorite times of the day is around 4AM.  That’s because I’m often awake, up much earlier than I’d like, and trying to get back to sleep.  My mind has jumped on the opportunity and has become a thought-generating monster.  Once...

100% Gayatri

The Gayatri Mantra has an impressive resume.  Revered for thousands of years by Buddhists & Hindus alike, it is considered a supreme vehicle for enlightenment.  The sages say chanting  this mantra will infuse Divine spiritual light and power in each of the seven...