He Ma Durga

He Ma Durga

Durga. She is one powerful goddess. Later this week I’ll be posting the talk on the deities given by Dr. Manoj Chalam last month at the Denver Chant Fest. His murti of Durga practically leaped off the table at me during that talk, and now here she sits, riding...
Sunday Satsang III

Sunday Satsang III

This week’s set was the convergence of two things; a really great satsang on Sunday, where we sang most of this set, and the arrival of several new kirtan CDs which I’d like to preview before putting together the next Fresh Tracks show. These chants had us...
Sunday Satsang II

Sunday Satsang II

The chants in the Sunday Satsang sets are designed to be sung!  You can sing them in a group, as we do, especially if you’re also in a small town where live kirtan is hard to find.  The lyrics to the chants can be found here.  So sing in the shower, sing in your...

Singing in the Rain

As much as I complain, I really do love the cool green dampness of the Pacific Northwest. Good thing too, because last week was a record-breaker in the rain department. I felt the need create the feel of a beach, the sun of an island in the set this week. It worked...

Mouldy Oldies

Kirtan is by definition old, but the set this week was dictated by my need to sing some kirtan that fit like an old shoe.  These are a few of the songs our kirtan group has been singing for years.  I’ve been making extensive forays into new kirtan artists...