A Set For Maha Shivaratri

A Set For Maha Shivaratri

I’m feeling blessed by a lot these days. Those of you who listen to the New World Kirtan Podcast are one of my biggest blessings — this community has enriched my life in ways too numerous to count. Thank you for being here. And we’ve been here together for quite a...
OM Shiva

OM Shiva

Lord Shiva, “he who is oblivious to the world”, is the most powerful of the Hindu deities. He is known as the destroyer, and is believed to be at the core of the centrifugal force of the Universe. Shiva, with Brahma (the creator) & Vishnu (the...
Shakti Fest Sampler

Shakti Fest Sampler

I’m off to Joshua Tree — one of my most favorite places — for one of my most favorite festivals. Shakti Fest is devoted to the Divine Mother this year, and the line-up of kirtan artists is stellar. This week’s set is just a sampling of what...
An Interview With Govindas of Govindas & Radha

An Interview With Govindas of Govindas & Radha

Kirtan’s Culture of Love: An Interview with Govindas of Bhakti Yoga Shala by Sony Trieu/April 23, 2011 Love!  How would you define it? Myriad textbooks, both academic and spiritual, have tried to pin down this elusive concept. However, the intellectual process always...