Fresh Tracks 20

In the introduction to the podcast this week I talk a lot about Ram Das. When I was in my early twenties Be Here Now literally blew the doors of perception open for me, and my life changed because of it. Through his old lectures and the Here And Now podcast curated by...
What Is Bhakti Yoga?

What Is Bhakti Yoga?

Here’s an interesting and informative article about Bhakti Yoga from Teachasana. Bhakti Yoga Part 1 — What Is It? by Hari-kirtana das  for Teachasana It’s wonderful to be able to teach students about Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of devotion, because it adds such...
The Get Real Set

The Get Real Set

After what we just went through in the United States with the government shut down, I’m feeling angry — how about you? Being angry is not a pleasant place to be, so as usual I’ve been turning to kirtan to change that energy. Chanting the Names always...