This podcast is very special to me. I had the pleasure of interviewing Miten back in September the day before Deva Premal, Manose and the gang were about to leave on tour. The interview was to be about the music on his new CD ‘Devotee’, and it turned into a conversation about healing journeys after bodily trauma, and how his healing journey after the open heart surgery resulted in this beautiful CD.

My one regret is that the end of the interview is shortened because of a software glitch, so you won’t hear the parts about their tour or me saying thank you and goodbye. Interviewing people over the internet is always kind of nerve-wracking because you can never really tell how it’s going to turn out until you start to edit the files. The interviews from China were a nightmare because of that — but that’s another story. I’m almost finished with those interviews & it’s an interesting story — I know you’re going to love hearing about the scene there. The podcast will feature music from the Hong Kong kirtan festival & other kirtan events in China, lots of pics & even some videos. That’s coming up next!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving my friends, and until next time — Namaste.