It took me a while to get to a place where felt I could do this podcast. Two weeks ago many of us thought we would be electing the first woman president and … we didn’t. That was bad, but would have been bearable except for the large uptick of cruel remarks and racial incidents since the election, and most of them aren’t making the news. It’s happening with neighbors, in schools and in other public places & it has the potential to tear our country apart even more.

So what to do? We can be a Lighthouse in our community. We can stand for what we believe is right and true. We can look into the good of others and have faith that all is unfolding according to a Divine Plan. We make sure to do our spiritual practices, we limit our news viewing & reading. We can recognize that now we are called to become spiritual warriors, affirming love over hate.

This podcast is full of chants that hit my sweet spot over the last two weeks — some gave me joy and others moved me to tears. While I was producing the show I was finally able to cry, and to deeply feel the grief so many of us here are feeling for the death of the vision we had. There’s no doubt in my mind that good things will come from this election, and they’re already starting to happen. The energy is shifting, and our vision is coming together even stronger than before. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving my friends. I hope you’re gathering with people you love. Affirm that love. Be a Lighthouse. Namaste.