This week I’m back from a wonderful vacation on the East coast where I was blessed to attend the first Lovelight Yoga & Arts Festival in Darlington, MD and Omega Fall Ecstatic Chant in Rhinebeck, NY. The events were very different, and I loved them both — I’ll tell you about it in this week’s show.

Our set honors the Autumnal Equinox, when the hours of dark and light are equal. In the Northern Hemisphere we’re getting ready to shift into the season of Autumn and in the Southern Hemisphere, you’re getting ready to shift into the season of Spring. This week’s set is more for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere where we’re now heading into darkness. The equinox has always been thought to be a highly sacred time when spiritual transformation is supported. In autumn it’s about a spiritual descent into darkness & letting go of what doesn’t serve us anymore — and our egos make letting go very scary. Enter Kali & Durga, the deities who help when we’re battling our egos & the things that bubble up from our subconscious. Our set begins with chants to Kali & Durga, with chants by Prem Joshua, Kirtan Soul Revival, Shantala and Jaya Lakshmi & Ananda. We’ll end with a beautiful, hypnotic love song to the Sun from ‘The Mantra Project, Volume 2; Mantras of the Sun’ by Suzin Green & Daniel Johnson. It’s a beautiful way to thank the sun for a beautiful summer.

We have a lot of great stuff coming up, I’ll tell you about it in this week’s introduction. Happy autumn dear hearts! Namaste.