Sunday Satsang III

Sunday Satsang III

This week’s set was the convergence of two things; a really great satsang on Sunday, where we sang most of this set, and the arrival of several new kirtan CDs which I’d like to preview before putting together the next Fresh Tracks show. These chants had us...
Meditation: A Key to Happiness

Meditation: A Key to Happiness

“How to Be Happy” written by Justine van der Leun for AOL Health | Published on September 29, 2010 Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard claims you can practice your way to happiness, and he should know: After MRI scans showed that he experienced extreme levels of...
Feel Better and Live to 100+

Feel Better and Live to 100+

“What to Do Now to Feel Better at 100” written by Jane E. Brody for the New York Times | Published on October 25, 2010 Many changes take place in physical abilities as we age. Try as I may, I simply can’t swim as fast at 69 as I did at 39, 49 or even 59....
Checking Your Heart Chakra

Checking Your Heart Chakra

“Please Meditate: Check Your Heart Chakra” written by Olivia Rosewood for the Huffington Post | Published February 17, 2011 In yogic meditation practices the heart chakra is called, “anahata.” Anahata is translated from the ancient Sanksrit to...
The Love Train!

The Love Train!

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, and so this week’s set was inspired by Love.  There’s the “Radhe Suite” which tells the love story of Krishna & Radhe, and a chant by Shantala that sings of the Love that dwells within each of us. But my...