Our satsang group met Sunday evening for the first time in two weeks, and it felt so good to sing!  There weren’t many of us–it seems the whole town is on vacation–but what a difference it has made in my week so far.  I’m finding it much easier to be centered & peaceful.  Singing this music is such a unique experience.  If you haven’t been to a live kirtan, a Yoga studio in your area might be a good place to find one. Go sing, even if you think you can’t carry a tune in a bucket.  No one cares.  Really.  Sing kirtan–and go get you some peace!  Namaste.






Om Mercury Max The Eternal Om

Lakshmi Bija Mantra Suzin Green Devi Demo

Holy Ma Shantala Sri

P. 7

Three Rivers Hare Krishna Krishna Das Live On Earth

Hey Maha Lakshmi David Newman Love, Peace, Chant

P. 4

Tara Om Wynne Paris Groovananda

Rama Rama Ragani Best of Both Worlds