Saturday night Shantala came to our town & gave the final concert of their most recent tour.  It was a magical experience to see them live and sing with them in person–especially after singing to their CDs all these years.  Most of the members of our satsang group were there, and my son came to hear Benjy Wertheimer play tabla.  We sat right beside Benjy, and I was able to watch as he did some overtone singing.  Amazing.  Really all the musicians in the band are stellar, and Heather has a voice like an angel, centered & clear.  It was such a sweet evening.

Only three people showed up for our Sunday kirtan, probably because everyone was still blissed out from Shantala the night before.  But the three of us kirtan addicts had a stellar time, especially with Swaha’s “Om Namah Shivaya”.  I hope you enjoy it too.  Namaste.






Om Mercury Max The Eternal Om

Om Namah Shivaya Swaha Vishnu’s Dream

Inside Wade Imre Morissette MaHa MoHa: The Great Delusion

No Resistance-Aad Saach Joogad Sach Satkirin Kaur Khalsa Lightness of Being

P. 11

He Maha Lakshmi David Newman Love, Peace, Chant

Holy Ma Shantala Sri

P. 7